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Sefer and Ali S. - two young very hairy turkish ****s are fucking in a Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video. (id172)

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Sefer 13:02 Min. NUR 900 Coins √
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Two young naked very hairy turkish ****s are fucking in a very horny Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video.

They play two naked Turkish Soldiers who love each other. There are very horny scenen with two very horny hairy Bodies to see. Both have full hairy Asses.

Sefer is hairy like a Monkey. Everything is full of Hair and looks very sexy. His **** is a normal Size, a bit thick with a big ****head and he has two very big Balls. As big as Duck Eggs. His Butt is plump and totally hairy. He is active and fucks Ali in many Positions. The hairy Asses can also be seen in Doggy Style.

Ali S. - is passive in this Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video. and is really fucked horny by Sefer. Her hairy Butts are very good to see. He is passive he blows Sefer his **** and lets Fuck. His Body is also totally hairy. Even his Butt is full of hair and his Ass Notch is so full. that one can not see his Ass Hole.​

Sefer and Ali S. in a very horny Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video with two super **** young hairy turkish ****s with fucking scenes. Sefer has his Cums**** on Ali his Belly. Also Ali his Cum ends up on his Belly. For this  Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video, i found a Backup from 09.2003. But it is much older. 

 Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video 12/02 - P****o Series 23/09 - (id172)

This ​naked very hairy turkish ****s are tone of my best Models, 5 Stars, two sexy furry naked turkish ****s have fun in Nature. this  Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video is one of my best Works. This is one of my few Videos where two Turks are on Camera. Turks are very complicated. No one Trusts anyone else.


Look Sefer on Naked-Hairy-Turk.com

Look Ali S. on Naked-Hairy-Turk.com

Two young naked very hairy turkish ****s are fucking in a very horny Oldy Turkish Outdoor **** Video.


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