A very **** naked Hairy Kurdish Man with Fur as Bodyhair, a very hard **** and a very hairy Ass in a Kurdish **** Video.
This naked Hairy Kurdish Man is a sex addict and has to fuck or masturbate at least 5 times every Day. He always jerks when He is alone and has Time. His Body has Fur as Bodyhair like a Monkey. This Looks incredibly erotic. He is a real very Hairy Kurdish Man from the Orient in a absolutelly **** Kurdish **** Video. He has a always rock hard **** with a full Bush. His plump very hairy Ass Cheeks and the very hairy Ass Crack is so full of Hair that you can not see the Asshole. He jerks like in slow motion with a lot of Feeling and he also shows his fully hairy Ass in Doggy Style. His Cums**** is sitting with horny Noises and his Cum drips on the Bench. The Video was produced in March 2006.
Serdat E. is my ****test Models on my Side. Unfortunately, there are only two Videos of him. He is a beautiful naked kvery, very Hairy Kurdish Man with Fur as Bodyhair and a absolutely **** very hairy Ass. I have never seen anything so Beautiful before. Everything about Him is perfect. Even his Character is wonderful
Kurdish **** Video 35/05 - P****o Series 64/01 - Casting P****o 119 - (id469)
This naked very Hairy Kurdish Man with his very hairy ass is my best Model, 5 Stars, i will give more, wow, wow, a very very horny naked k very Hairy Kurdish Man. A Wonder of Nature in a very **** Kurdish **** Video.

Serdat E. is on Naked-Hairy-Turk.com
A very **** naked Hairy Kurdish Man with Fur as Bodyhair, a very hard **** and a very hairy Ass in a Kurdish **** Video.